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Bezzy Members Share Their Favorite Holiday Traditions

Community Conversations

December 22, 2023

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Studio Firma/Stocksy United

Studio Firma/Stocksy United

by Emery Wright


Fact Checked by:

Jennifer Chesak, MSJ


by Emery Wright


Fact Checked by:

Jennifer Chesak, MSJ


Bringing ceremony to the holiday season can help make the end of the year feel merry.

Honoring your traditions is important year-round, whether you’ve inherited rituals from loved ones or started traditions of your own.

Many Bezzy members create ceremonies to commemorate their diagnosis day.

No matter how you celebrate the holiday season, it’s a time filled with annual traditions, big and small. Maybe you send your loved ones a festive postcard or gather together to celebrate.

Perhaps you take a moment to reflect on the calendar year’s end.

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Bezzy members’ favorite holiday traditions

We asked Bezzy members to share their favorite holiday traditions. Here’s what they said:

Spending time with loved ones

“On Christmas Eve, we used to drive around and look at decorations in our town and neighboring towns with a thermos of hot chocolate. This year, we’re planning on visiting some light shows.” — RAIrene, Bezzy RA community member

“Our tradition is having Christmas Eve dinner and opening presents before going to late-night church with my husband’s family. My side of our family celebrates on Christmas Day with gifts in the morning, followed by a nice dinner later in the day. But I’m not tied to tradition. I just like having family around.” — Jujuslove, Bezzy Depression community member

One of my traditions is printing a new yearly calendar with 12 of my photos. I give them to family, friends, and myself.

— CanadaPaul, Bezzy Depression community member

“Every year, we went to a Christmas Eve service at church and sang ‘Silent Night’ with candles. It was so beautiful with the church dark and all the candles lit. My husband always played keyboard with the worship team. I sat up front so he could sit with me. I’ve been to other services, but it’s not the same. I miss him so much. It was a beautiful memory I will never forget!” — Mimi H., Bezzy MS community member

“I usually get together with family while they cook and tell me to stay out of the kitchen. My job is to eat the food. When I’m at home, I try to watch all the Christmas shows and cartoons that I watched as a kid on TV. Brings back memories.” — Cwby, Bezzy IBD community member

Passing down family memories

“On Christmas Eve, an elf (my mother) placed a wrapped, new book under my bed pillow. I continued the tradition. My children have continued this tradition.” — Carol R., Bezzy community member

“My father was a great, hard-working man. He lived through the Great Depression when citrus was very expensive and hard to find. He would often talk about the orange he and his siblings received in their stockings. Every year at our house, I put an orange in my children’s stockings to help them remember. Daddy passed over several years ago, but he is always in our hearts.” — anonymous

Making homemade gifts

“One of my traditions is printing a new yearly calendar with 12 of my photos. I give them to family, friends, and myself.” — CanadaPaul, Bezzy Depression community member

“My tradition is making carved wooden gifts, adding a date on the back, and signing it.” — Phillip95, Bezzy MS community member

“This year, as a tradition, I want to make more homemade gifts! My sister and I are trying to make candles for some of our family.” — Sammycamp, Bezzy Depression Guide

Baking favorite holiday treats

“We have a ‘baking day’ where we bake everyone’s favorite cookies, pies, cakes, and holiday treats. I’m the neat freak in the house, so I end up cleaning up the mess.” — Weezer88, Bezzy IBD community member

“When my kids were young, we made homemade Christmas cookies. They decorated them with frosting, sprinkles, and any edible decorations I could find. When my granddaughter was old enough, she joined me. I still make a variety of cookies for friends, neighbors, and family.” — mimivolpe421, Bezzy RA community member

Decorating the tree together

“Our Christmas tradition is decorating our tree over Thanksgiving weekend. It started because my husband and I were both teachers, and the kids were on Christmas break. My kids are now in their 40s, so we’ve been doing this a while. We still help each other with the trees, and it’s always a lot of fun.” — Robin66, Bezzy IBD community member

I’m not tied to tradition. I just like having family around.

— Jujuslove, Bezzy Depression community member

“One of my adult children puts up the tree on the day after Thanksgiving. Then my grandkids decorate it how they want, and no adults can change anything. Kids can move stuff if they want when they visit.” — Pstew, Bezzy MS community member

“Every year, we put up our Christmas tree two weeks before the 25th, Sunday of the Forefathers. It takes both of us 4 hours to decorate the tree. We play Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker on CD while we work.” — NancyV, Bezzy IBD community member

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The end of the year can seem hectic with holiday festivities. Claiming traditions as your own can help you feel excited about the holidays.

Maybe you’re looking forward to baking an apple pie or setting a New Year’s resolution. No matter how you celebrate the holiday season, the Bezzy community is here for you.

Do you have a favorite holiday tradition? Join the conversation in the community forums.

Fact checked on December 22, 2023

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About the author

Emery Wright

Emery Wright is an editor at Healthline and Bezzy. She holds a bachelor’s degree in English with minors in creative writing and communications. She’s also an AFAA-certified fitness instructor and student in the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. Outside of work, she can be found hiking, writing Yelp reviews, and recording cooking videos.

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