July 28, 2020
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Many folks living with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) say fatigue is one of the worst symptoms of the condition.
And while you may not be able to eliminate fatigue altogether, through trial and error you may find some things that can make it less severe — so you can do more of the things you love.
Here’s what members of the Bezzy RA community have to say about what works for them.
“I listen to my body. If my body is telling me I need to rest, that’s what I do. I slow my activities and don’t over do anything. This is the only body I’ve got.”
— Pooh1418
“I go through time where I feel fatigued, but not always. Before I was diagnosed, I didn’t know what was going on; I thought I had some type of sleep disorder. I would find myself just closing my eyes and falling asleep in a chair or just sitting anywhere!
The doctors I was seeing didn’t pick up on my pain and fatigue as part of an RA issue.
Now that I know what’s happening, I’ve learned how to deal with my bouts. My wife and I will take a short walk which seems to relax me and take my mind off of how I’m feeling.”
— Doni57
“I take my multivitamins daily. I recently started taking Asian Ginseng and drinking organic coffee that has superfoods added. I’ve noticed my fatigue isn’t as bad and it helps tremendously.
I’ll usually get some sun when I feel too fatigued. Somehow that helps.”
— Mary Quiroz-Saenz
“Over the years, I’ve found these strategies helpful. I call it my 5 Rs to fight fatigue:
— Cristina Montoya, RD
“I’ve had good luck with yin yoga. There was a time when it was the only thing I did that made me feel more energetic after doing it.
I had to be careful not to overstretch or irritate any tendons and ligaments. It’s the kind of yoga where you hold positions for several minutes and just let gravity do the work. I could feel connective tissue releasing, and felt more energetic after class.”
— K at the beach
RA fatigue is no joke, but there are so many others out there who understand what you’re going through.
Join the Bezzy RA community and share your own fatigue-fighting tips.
Article originally appeared on July 28, 2020 on Bezzy’s sister site, Healthline. Last medically reviewed on July 27, 2020.
Medically reviewed on July 28, 2020
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